Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Prothalamion for Paz and Schneider (fabled by the poets as MARIA and IAMES)

Decrepit waft the waning afternoon
By DEVON-tide, where lang'rous I repaired
A ftagnant mere befide; and, fullen, ftared
As earlier enditers, dead too foon
- Alack! the faerie loon -
Had erftwhile ftared - juft e'en fo - I fared,
When in my grafp declaimed the penfive phone;
And, by no raucous fong its note impaired
Pronouncèd an inimitable tone -
And lo! 'tis gentil IAMES, till latterly fo lone.
To iollie OXENFORD am I forefent
By PRINCES word, whereto all men be bent.
There once had I, a fcholar doubly vile
As by a Brooke I wounden and fo went,
In lo degree, and like in baftard ftile,
By IAMES and MARIES felves been held in guile.
Hail to the Peace! and to he whom her keepes,
Along the Banke where Ifis coolly fleepes.

Ere, in a Chaumbre yond the Bridges gate,
Whither reforted a full flirte of fylphes,
From Maides Parthenical to curvefome milfs
Lockes feateoufly dyed there did gyrate,
Enforcelling many a Mate,
Where Salinaceous Noftrils fpread fo merrie,
And a fair Balconette in fumes was wreathed,
There MARIAS felf, full lufcious as the Cherrie
The good knight IAMES by fate was then bequeathed,
Fie on Lovebars and Filthes!
That eve the gallant Bridgemen mettle fhowed,
E'en as the Aftromane, his Science owed
Unto his fcope, conjoins fome brave Eclipfe
Juft fo, in cavalierly loyal mode
Did IAMES pay homage to MARIAS lips -
Engirdles her, and in ftrong armes her clippes -
Hail to the Peace! and to he whom her keepes,
Along the Banke where Ifis coolly weepes.

So, that fere eve when I from DEVON fped
The Iacobean bidding for t'address,
Full fondly then I maundered, I confefs,
Another foetid fwimme within my head -
For yond the heart be led!
And, that the pain, homecoming, not be lefs
Felt to the quicke, behold, to Iffley Village
Am I now bade - once fung of for a Tavern
And yet, methinks, a fief beftad by pilllage,
Where chariots fear to teft the dweller's raven.
A parfonage be feen,
Or Rectorie, to guide aright the law,
An hermitage certes of welcoming mien,
Within, yet, hofts who utter welcomes more.
Vpon my ladyes hande acquamarine
Reflective fheene beholdes recumbent fhore -
Hail to the Peace! and to he whom her ferves,
As Ifis into Themmes curles and fwerves.