Wednesday 18 August 2010

Captain Arcadia episode 2 part 1

Episode 2 – ‘Courting Controversy’


Dublin Castle

Walter Devereux, Earl of Essex, is on his deathbed…

(A tower room overlooking the sea. Essex lies not in a splendid four-poster bed, but upon a large straw pallet. He is covered by a rich, deep red samite drapery, so some luxury is maintained. Beside him waits an anxious manservant.)

ESSEX: Gilbert…

(The manservant cranes nearer.)

I want you to fetch the children…and a witness…you understand?...someone who can write, now, hurry…

(The manservant nods and tears off.)

(Brief cut to Penelope Devereux and Philip Sidney in another tower’s window seat. She is weeping. His hand is on her shoulder.)

(Cut to the manservant, Gilbert, stopping a middle-aged, stern, plainly dressed man in a castle corridor. A closer glance reveals him to be wearing several rich gold rings.)

MANSERVANT: Beggin’ yer pardon, yer honour, his Lordship desires yer presence. It is very close now…I believe he will have to make a decision about the young lady and Master Sidney…

WALSINGHAM: Will he now. Well, I’ll be along directly.

(Gilbert hurries off to fetch the young couple. Sir Francis Walsingham looks after him leaving, then leans against the wall, looking down at his hands, remembering something.)

VOICEOVER of LORD BURGHLEY: Walsingham. You will stop young Sidney marrying the Devereux girl. Whatever it takes.

VOICEOVER of WALSINGHAM: Understood, my lord…

(Back to the Earl’s bed-room. Sidney and Stella stand at the foot of the bed, a pace apart. Walsingham enters cautiously from a door at the right of the bed.)

ESSEX: Ah. Good. Walsingham. A…reliable clerk…

(Walsingham looks quietly sour.)

I have discussed this matter hitherto, Sidney, with the honoured Lord Deputy, your father…between us, well…

(Sidney seems to be mouthing something in anticipation.)

…there were some initial confusion about the dowry…

(Sidney is clenching his fists.)

…about remainder to my Earldom…

(Stella too looks frustrated.)

…your prospects, Master Sidney, and so on…you will understand if I proceeded with…

(Apparently unconsciously, Sidney slams down his foot. Essex sees the movement, frowns, brindles, then starts laughing hoarsely. The laugh breaks into coughing and both young people climb onto the pallet in consternation. Essex has not yet said enough to constitute consent…if he were to die now…

…Essex stretches out his hand and takes Sidney’s, joining it to Stella’s. Then he suddenly drops his grip and collapses back.)

STELLA: He cannot be…

WALSINGHAM: He is dead, most certainly. I know the expression well.

SIDNEY: Sir Francis…no word was spoken specifically, no statement was taken…but surely the intention was clear? You saw the action; he joined our hands; is that not enough?

(They watch his impassive face.)

WALSINGHAM: Oh…well…I should say…

…more than enough.

(The tension breaks and the lovers embrace. Walsingham regards them with a detached smile.)

Master Sidney, Lady Penelope, I shall be delighted to be the first to transmit news of your betrothal to the court.

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