Wednesday, 28 November 2007

Lament for Ferdinand (part 1, possibly)

Expressed by an Amalfitan lunatic

Hell's pompous stillness hugs that bier!

But this is the sole funeral

Too hot for Hell's fine train.

Where are the white pearls, where

The damned girls? they pace

His Eminence's obsequy, I know them,

sure! And daintily they pace;

Women in black like clean

Red robes, so they forget the smirches.

But the Cardinal's brother's assemblage

Is still - myself, my mutt Minos, I doubt

That ducal dower-soul itself;

What about madam Duchess?

No we'll talk of her later. Skirted.

The healthy will never leave her alone.

I want to think about the premature

Ly stinking body, about unhammered

Cobbles. I want to touch the Maltese Cross

That glints where it was left for protocol.

I will redeem my friend the duke!

I'll redeem all my wolf-friends, every moon

Dweller. In Amalfi of amelancholic moods

Tonight is true for every freak in town.


Vashti's suitor said...

A poem in itself...? Nice know my fanbase is so voluble

Maria Paz said...

ah, hello, pretty!