Monday, 30 November 2009


Cowper and Hogg had a modus vivendi
A frame for it just so –
They missed each other at the crossroads,

I’d prefer to take that assumption
Just a little bit, little bit further,
And closer, the clouds, after all, being clouds,
And the honey an enamel wrecker,
Just so.

I believe that this only world is populated
With base and with noble, distinguished by note.
The base aren’t worth discussion, they only discuss,

(But I know what they dream about, sadly, and dream it,
Somewhere where higher gravities don’t worry
At thoughty sinews, a warm dirty lair
For healthy and furry animals to roll in)

I see them, I walk with the powerful children,
I know they’re possessed of no power to destroy,
They make wonderful transient glory all day,
Might they let me tell them they’ve made it?

Canna say.

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