Tuesday, 1 January 2008


How about this for a situation.

I hear insane insane noises in

The basement, put on some clothes, stagger

down to exercise discipline.

I am roundly mocked. I retreat.

As I hurry offstage a hulking figure

Quoth "You're breaking the rules! You can't go there,

You're breaking the Upstairs Rule!"

while this was amusing

and I did like the chance to snap back

I own this place and that kind of thing,

it did make me stop to think. Because

on a deeper level, the most profound level

of life, I am no doubt indeed breaking

the rules. Are we not all breaking the rules,

the rules set up to protect ourselves?

Could not that drunkard's lurching voice

have resonated as the eternal

challenge of the shadow self –

"You are breaking the rules!"?

Then I got tea from this v domesticated

girl with the most absurd hairstyle I ever saw,

like a sort of blue arctic roll superim

posed on a background of porridgey whey.

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