Tuesday, 8 January 2008

Is Your Heart Really In This? Mine's In Bits

Chop chop

said your axe as it cut the art

-eries and ventricles and heart

Of Minocher, a scholar, prince and tart,

Transfigured by your gaze's e'er celestial dart

And left to lonely trot out a fool's part

And then at last to wonder why

Your written idiom does not call to mind

Your sonorous voice, so cruel...to be so kind,

And to slump back and listen to Blondie.


THWP said...


Although the whole 'cut my heart in two with an axe' is, sez Thomas who knows the situation, slightly OTT and more than a little cliché. Perhaps.

I also like your new template thingy.

Spectacular in its ugliness

I might steal it

Vashti's suitor said...

I hoped that was Funny. Which is my primary or at least secondary aim.

As Brent might have it, I'm an entertainer first, a literary and poetic revolutionary second

THWP said...

Well it's better than my poetry

Which doesn't exist

I need to blog

Anonymous said...


Vashti's suitor said...

I'm always touched by your presence dear

angelheadedhipster said...

'i'm an entertainer first, a literary and poetic revolutionary second'...yes i think you are. I await the day you reverse the roles.

literary and poetic revolutionary failure, sJ

angelheadedhipster said...

oh, good poem by the way